
7 tips to become a better UX writer

September 16, 2022
Kennedy Kinikanwo-Wali
September 2, 2022
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 User experience is concerned with the interaction between a user and a product, as well as the factors that contribute to the formation of this experience. Additionally, it considers the user-friendliness of a product from their point of view. Although it is natural for us to think of user experience (UX) in terms of graphics, this line of thinking may be restrictive because you can also shape user experience through the use of words. This article explains tips to help you become a better UX writer and explore how you can become one.

Tips to help you become a better UX writer

Words matter in UX writing because they can shape the user's experience for better or worse. UX writers encourage interaction between the user and the interface through the written word. UX writers have a level of importance, even though it's still a developing field. If you follow the following seven steps, you'll soon be a UX writing master.

1. Write for your target audience

The first and most crucial step in writing for user experience is understanding the user. Writers specializing in user experience (UX) produce content that appeals to readers of varying ages, sexes, sexual orientations, socioeconomic statuses, education levels, and technical expertise. Furthermore, each user persona has a unique set of objectives and drivers. 

by Hurca

To be influential UX writers, one must be able to put themselves in the shoes of their target audience and consider questions like, "What are the user's most important goals?" How much do you know about the user before you meet them? How can the interface be clearer to first-time users while still allowing for customization for frequent visitors? Designers of user interfaces need writers who can tailor their words to specific goals.

2. Do not waver from a consistent tone

Like marketing copy, interface copy must be consistent with the brand's tone of voice. Users can deduce everything about a company's culture, values, attitude, and purpose from the brand voice. Brands that aren't known for their sense of humor should focus on brevity and clarity in their microcopy, while brands with a looser tone can take more creative license.

Image UXUIDesign from Pixabay 

3. Make your content readable

Use a shorter, more succinct alternative to lengthy passages or words with multiple syllables when possible. In this sense, "use" is more conversational than "utilize." Sentences in the body of the text should be between 50 and 75 characters long, including spaces.

by Victor Niculici

A line of text that is too long will distract the reader. Keep in mind that when scanning a web page, the human eye moves from left to right, so the screen's most crucial details should be presented on the left side.

4. Make sure users can quickly discover content

Writers who excel at user experience know how to organize data in ways that are most helpful to readers. In user experience design, discoverability refers to how simple it is for users to locate previously unknown content or features. The ease with which users can locate the content directly impacts how well they can complete a given task.

by Matthew Galt

Interfaces that adhere closely to universal standards are easier to discover. For music streaming services, the playback toolbar across the board appears nearly identical. Users are more likely to feel comfortable navigating a new interface if it contains design cues already familiar to them, such as icons. You can also use light touch animations to introduce users to additional functions. If possible, narrow down your selections, and clear the decks whenever possible.

5. Consider making your content evergreen

This means you should write UX content that remains valid to users years later, even after new product updates. Evergreen content is optimized for search engines and maintains its usefulness for a broad audience indefinitely.

6. Try to use repetition wisely

When designing for user experience, repetition refers to using the same element multiple times. In developing websites and mobile applications, it is helpful to employ repetition. For instance, the placement of a company logo is consistent across all pages. Shape, color, texture, icon, and font consistency all work together to put the user at ease. 

by ranganath krishnamani

In addition to wording and phrases, repetition is also essential in communicating your message. The menu labels, icons, and items should all be consistent. Although both "Start a free trial" and "Try a free demo" are compelling call to action phrases, users may misunderstand the former if used in isolation from the latter.

 7. Learn how to put your brand into writing

The tone and voice of a brand refer to the consistent portrayal of the company's personality in all interactions with the brand's target audience. It's all in the tone, vocabulary, and overall mood of your writing. 

by Anggit Yuniar Pradito

A strong brand voice conveys the company's humanity, wins over customers' trust, and articulates the firm's guiding principles. Brands can vary significantly in their formality or informality in their language choice. Stick with the company's familiar voice when writing microcopy unless the product you're working on targets a slightly different demographic.

How to become a UX writer

To break into UX writing, you'll need the right skills, a strong portfolio, and relevant work experience. Find out exactly what that means by reading this in-depth analysis.

1. Think about the abilities you'll need

As a user experience writer, you may find the following skills helpful.

  • Writing: UX writing goes beyond just knowing the grammar and spelling rules and having a firm grasp on nuances of tone and nuance. Writing for a positive user experience (UX) should be clear and concise to ensure the least amount of confusion and frustration for the user. Writing samples in the field of user experience design can help you land a job. Is the goal of your writing practice to become a better writer? Consider enrolling in a program that teaches people how to express themselves clearly in writing and visually.
  • Research: Ask yourself these questions. Does the tone sound cold or condescending when users make mistakes in the app? Which age groups are the most likely to download this app? These are the sorts of questions that you can address with user experience research. UX writers can use research methods such as user testing, A/B testing, and card sorting to guarantee that a product delivers as promised.
  • Digital design programs: Not all UX writers will use visual design toolkits, but familiarity with some of them can help you land a job that requires it. You can get a feel for programs like Figma and Sketch during their trial periods, which may also give you time to create portfolio-worthy work.

2. Make a portfolio

You may need a portfolio if you want to apply for a job as a UX writer. Creating an essential website to display your work and abilities is a common way to do this. Wix, Weebly, and Adobe Portfolio are just a few website builders that can serve as a starting point.

Image par Mudassar Iqbal de Pixabay  

3. Acquire real-world experience

It's not uncommon to see requests for user experience writing experience when perusing job postings. Many options are available to you if you want to enhance your credentials as a user experience writer.

Image by Altmann from Pixabay

Getting experience in UX writing can be facilitated by beginning in a related field, such as copywriting, technical writing, or UX design. A course in UX writing will teach you the basics of the field and provide an overview of techniques like usability testing. Sometimes they'll even let you put together a portfolio of the work that you wrote for them. You can also make fake websites or apps to test your knowledge and abilities.