
UI vs UX Design: What's the difference?

September 16, 2022
Kennedy Kinikanwo-Wali
September 2, 2022
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To begin, let's define user interface or UI

User interface design, or UI for short, is a software or app's visual style and organization. The user interface (UI) is the sum of all the parts that let a user do something with a product or service. All forms of visual content, such as images, texts, placeholders, buttons, checkboxes, and more, fall under this category.

Designing a user interface means carefully considering the product's visual elements, such as buttons, animations, typography, diagrams, widgets, color schemes, applications, themes, and plugins. These design elements make a product or website more appealing to the eye while guaranteeing its usability.

by uixNinja

Designers who work on user interfaces constantly monitor aesthetics and behavior developments to meet their clients' expectations better. Today's user interface designers prioritize responsive layouts and making their work accessible across multiple platforms. Designers create a single iteration of a website or app in which the layout and content adapt to the user's device's display size.

For those unfamiliar with the term, what exactly is UX?

User experience design, or UX, is the practice of creating products that encourage the desired actions from end users. It's the practice of making things people want to use and enjoy interacting with, whether they're digital or physical. UX designers work to improve the product's usability by prioritizing the user's perspective.

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An extensive study into customer problems and potential market openings are essential for effective UX design. A thorough examination of the competition is also necessary for success. UX considers the needs of users and the gaps in the market and the business's goals, ensuring that the products align with the company's stated goals.

The distinctive features of UI and UX

Although UI and UX collaborate closely to create user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing products and websites, there are important distinctions between the two:

User interface (UI) provides the design, while user experience (UX) provides the solutions

User interface design aims to provide an aesthetically pleasing experience for end users by developing an interface following specified functional requirements. It just cares about how the product appears and works. UX, on the other hand, is focused on satisfying the end user's needs by identifying and fixing issues on and off the screen.

by Daniel Sun

User interface design is concerned with visuals, while user experience design is concerned with the entire user's experience

As mentioned, UX designers devote much time to studying and testing new approaches to enhancing the user's overall satisfaction. To find the approach that will result in a more satisfying and efficient journey for the user, they analyze their actions and feelings at each stage of the process. They look at how long a user stays on a page and what makes them click away to another one. To enhance the usability of their site, they focus on the customer's mental journey.

by Julia Martinez Conte

User interface design aims to influence user behavior through visual cues. The job of a user interface designer is to take a product's conceptual layout and content and transform it into a functional, user-friendly interface. They could try switching the color of some of the buttons to see if that improves the number of clicks, or they could use a three-dimensional illustration to give the impression of more depth or realism.

How UI and UX work together

User experience and user interface design are necessary for a successful design. A user interface designer's job is to make something people want to interact with and use design elements that encourage people to do things. They take care of the visual design aspects of creating a digital product or website. At the same time, UX designers ensure everything is constructed in the most effective way possible to ensure usability. When creating a product, it's best to collaborate closely with both types of designers. Below are some of the fundamental ways in which these two designers collaborate:


Before beginning a project, UI and UX designers research to define the job's parameters and develop a strategy for eliciting and analyzing user feedback. User interface designers can conduct studies, polls, and focus groups to get user feedback. Learning about the needs of the target audience is the be-all and end-all of any website or product development effort. With this information in hand, the UX designer can then expand upon the work of the UI designers.

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Presentation of findings

After conducting separate studies, the UI and UX team members share what they've learned and discuss potential directions for the final product. The UI team briefs the rest of the team on what they've learned from their research into users' perspectives and complaints. All groups working on the final product will benefit from this feedback.

Design creation

After finalizing everything, the UI team hands off the designs to the web development team, the UX designers also have access to those designs, and the teams work together efficiently thanks to the tools they use.

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The web development team relies on the UI and UX designers to provide alternative designs whenever needed. This is crucial for ensuring accurate design interpretation. By working closely together, the team can launch the product or website most efficiently without time lost making corrections or modifications.

by Artem

Web and product designers regularly interchange user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). It is essential to understand the roles these various types of designers play in the design world, although these fields will likely continue to evolve, particularly user experience design. This article provides an overview of user interface design and user experience design, defining each term and describing their distinctive features.